Our product & service catalogue
- eDNA sampling kits -
Composed of:
DNA preservation buffer (50mL)
Pair of gloves
Sample labels
To associate with a long duration pump (for running water) or a syringe (stagnant water).
Aquatic kit
Choose our kits for your marine or freshwater large volume sampling, in a simple and practical manner.
1 kit = 1 sample
40€ HT
- Aquatic sampling material -
Longmire buffer
Constitué d'agents de stabilisation de l'ADN, ce tampon permet d'assurer une conservation optimale de vos échantillons aquatiques jusqu'à leur traitement au laboratoire.
22€ HT / unit
Composition: H2O ; Tris-HCl ; EDTA ; NaCl., adapted from Longmire and al. (1997)
Volume: 50mL / capsule
Filtration pump
Une pompe certifiée CE, sur batterie longue durée et rechargeable, dans une valise étanche pour réaliser vos filtrations aquatiques.
Purchase: 950€ HT
Renting: 100€ HT / day of use
Battery working duration: 12h
Battery recharging duration: 4h
Real time filtered-volume control thanks to the flowmeter
Upstream filtration: it is not necessary to change hoses between 2 samples
Filtered volume: about 30L during 30 minutes
To associate with a hose kit (pump inlet and outlet hoses)
- eDNA trainings -
Sampling training
- eDNA analyses -
Starting matrix: water filtration, soil, sediments, stomach content, feces, swabs, honey, pollen, flies, flowers, etc.
Protocols designed to avoid any type of contamination
DNA extraction
We extract your samples' intra and extracellular DNA in a laboratory dedicated to environmental sample handling.
Starting material: DNA extracts, water filtration, soil, sediments, stomach content, feces, swabs, honey, pollen, flies, flowers, etc.
Targeted taxonomic groups: bacteria, animals, plants, insects, fish, mammals, etc.
A transparent methology and reliable results
Metabarcoding inventory
We draw aquatic and terrestrial inventories up from your environmental samples.
Starting material: DNA extracts, water filtration, soil, sediments, stomach content, feces, swabs, honey, pollen, flies, flowers, etc.
Detected species: sharks, rays, toads, newts, silures, vipers, seaweeds, etc.
A transparent methodolgy and reliable results
Species detection
Track in a non-invasive way your species of interest (threatened, invasive...).
- Development -
Metabarcoding marker
Do you wish to inventory a taxonomic group whose primers are unknown? We develop a marker adapted to your project.
Design de novo in silico & test in vitro / in situ
Optimisation à partir d'amorces publiées & test in vitro / in situ
De novo in silico primer design & in vitro / in situ tests on your tissue samples
Published primers optimization & in vitro / in situ tests