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Our product & service catalogue

- eDNA sampling kits -

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Composed of:


To associate with a long duration pump (for running water) or a syringe (stagnant water).

Aquatic kit

Choose our kits for your marine or freshwater large volume sampling, in a simple and practical manner.


1 kit = 1 sample

40€ HT

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Composed of:

  • 250mL watertight vial containing silica gel

  • 2L Whirl-Pak bag

  • Pair of gloves

  • Sample labels

Terrestrial kit

Sample your soil and feces thanks to our kits, adapted for terrestrial DNA collect and conservation.


1 kit = 1 sample
8€ HT

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Composed of:

  • 250mL watertight vial containing silica gel

  • 2L Whirl-Pak bag

  • 60mL syringe

  • Pair of gloves

  • Sample labels

Sediment kit

Collect your sediment samples in a reliable and standardized way!


1 kit = 1 sample
11€ HT

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Composed of:

  • 2mL tube containing DNA preservation buffer

  • Swab

  • Pair of gloves

  • Sample labels



Swab kit

Diet analysis, specific species detection... get your environmental samples to talk through a simple swabbing!


1 kit = 1 sample

4€ HT


Composed of:

  • Passive sensor (fiberglass, wipe...)

  • Tube containing DNA preservation buffer

  • Pair of gloves

  • Sample labels



Passive sensor kit

Installez des capteurs passifs d'ADNe afin de collecter des informations taxonomiques sur une longue durée.


1 kit = 1 sample


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- Aquatic sampling material -

Conçues pour la capture d'ADNe et la filtration de grands volumes d'eau en milieu aquatique.

18€ HT / unit


Polyethersulfone filter - up to 100L filtered - to associate with a pump

Capsules de filtration Waterra

  • Filter surface: 300cm² or 600cm²


  • Available pore diameter:


Longmire buffer

Constitué d'agents de stabilisation de l'ADN, ce tampon permet d'assurer une conservation optimale de vos échantillons aquatiques jusqu'à leur traitement au laboratoire.

22€ HT / unit


Composition: H2O ; Tris-HCl ; EDTA ; NaCl., adapted from Longmire and al. (1997)


Volume: 50mL / capsule

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Filtration pump

Une pompe certifiée CE, sur batterie longue durée et rechargeable, dans une valise étanche pour réaliser vos filtrations aquatiques.

Purchase: 950€ HT

Renting: 100€ HT / day of use


Battery working duration: 12h

Battery recharging duration: 4h


Real time filtered-volume control thanks to the flowmeter




Upstream filtration: it is not necessary to change hoses between 2 samples


Filtered volume: about 30L during 30 minutes


To associate with a hose kit (pump inlet and outlet hoses)

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Purchase: 700€ HT

Renting: 100€ HT or 180€ HT in association with a pump / day of use


Battery working duration: 2h

Battery recharging duration: 1h





Portable and on battery, the shaker is conceived to agitate the Longmire buffer inside the capsule and favours DNA resuspension.



Purchase: 400€ HT



Simultaneously filter up to 4 water samples with this adapter, optimizing sampling duration.


4 capsules require 4 pumps

Telescopic pole

Purchase: 100€ HT


Make your sampling easier by associating the capsules and/or the quad-holder with a pole.

Perche télescopique

- eDNA trainings -

By video conference (free) or on the field


Discussion about the sampling strategy and your problematic

Material use, good practices, contamination minimization... get trained before your aquatic and terrestrial sampling campaigns!

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Sampling training

By video conference or at our office

eDNA training

Discover what's behind an eDNA analysis: laboratory work, bioinformatic pipeline, expected results...

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By video conference or at our office

Bioinformatic training

Learn how to analyze an NGS sequencing dataset to get the MOTUs and taxa list.

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- eDNA analyses -

  • Starting matrix: water filtration, soil, sediments, stomach content, feces, swabs, honey, pollen, flies, flowers, etc. 


  • Protocols designed to avoid any type of contamination

DNA extraction

We extract your samples' intra and extracellular DNA in a laboratory dedicated to environmental sample handling.

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  • Starting material: DNA extracts, water filtration, soil, sediments, stomach content, feces, swabs, honey, pollen, flies, flowers, etc.

  • Targeted taxonomic groups: bacteria, animals, plants, insects, fish, mammals, etc.

  • A transparent methology and reliable results

Metabarcoding inventory

We draw aquatic and terrestrial inventories up from your environmental samples.

  • Starting material: DNA extracts, water filtration, soil, sediments, stomach content, feces, swabs, honey, pollen, flies, flowers, etc.

  • Detected species: sharks, rays, toads, newts, silures, vipers, seaweeds, etc.

  • A transparent methodolgy and reliable results

Species detection

Track in a non-invasive way your species of interest (threatened, invasive...). 

  • Bioinformatic pipeline developed for eDNA metabarcoding data.


  • Clear and vulgarised deliverables


  • Transparent methodologies

Bioinformatic analyses

Entrust us to analyze your NGS sequencing data to get your identified taxa list.

  • Robust statistical analyses


  • Diversity indexes


  • Clear and popularized deliverables

Ecological analyses

Get your field and sequencing data to talk through statistical analyses!


- Development -

Metabarcoding marker

Do you wish to inventory a taxonomic group whose primers are unknown? We develop a marker adapted to your project.

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  • Design de novo in silico & test in vitro / in situ

  • Optimisation à partir d'amorces publiées & test in vitro / in situ

  • De novo in silico primer design & in vitro / in situ tests on your tissue samples

  • Published primers optimization & in vitro / in situ tests

qPCR marker

Do you wish to detect a specific species whose primers are unknown? We develop a marker adapted to your problematic.

  • De novo in silico primers and probe design & in vitro / in situ tests on your tissue samples

  • Published primers and probe optimization & in vitro / in situ tests

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Blocking primer

To block the amplification of a non-target species, we develop a specific blocking primer.

  • Primer design & in vitro test

  • Ex: avoiding the amplification of the host species for a diet analysis

Reference database

We establish your reference database from tissue samples to optimize the resolution of your future eDNA inventories.

  • Design de novo in silico & test in vitro / in situ

  • Optimisation à partir d'amorces publiées & test in vitro / in situ

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